You’ve worked hard in your roles for the state of Rhode Island. It’s time to enjoy the benefits you’ve earned during your career in public service. The Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island website has information below you may find useful as you navigate this new chapter in your life.
Retiree resources
Set up your account profile

Register to access your ERSRI account and login to our secure Member Portal where you can login 24/7 to update your address and contact information, view your pay stubs, submit tax changes, view and print your 1099-R, and more.
Get the current news and publications

The Compass is mailed to ERSRI members quarterly, but you can review both current and past issues along with many other ERSRI publications in our Publications and Reports section.
Learn more about Post Retirement Employment

If you are considering returning to work for a public entity in Rhode Island as a retiree, there are a number of important regulations you need to be aware of – read about them here.
Retiree FAQ

We’ve gathered a list of the most common questions we hear from our retirees and answered them on the Retiree FAQ page.
We’re here for you

If you have additional questions, ERSRI Customer Service Representatives are available Monday - Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at (401) 462-7600. You can also contact ERSRI by e-mail through the form on our Contact Us page.